New Moon, No Sun (sometimes)

1 min readDec 14, 2020
Photo by Ryan Olson on Unsplash

14 December 2020, the last eclipse of the year had to be a total solar one. After all, why not leave 2020 with the proper cosmic “hide-and seek” game?

The privilege of watching the New Moon briefly obscuring the Sun has been granted this time round to the Southern Hemisphere, in Chile and Argentina.

The rest of our planet will have to wait patiently till next year, in December again. Then book a flight or a cruise to Antarctica, because this is where the 2021 total solar eclipse can be enjoyed the old way.

The new way, virtual streaming, may seem less of a direct experience, it’s still growing in popularity. Webcasts are space lovers’ meeting room of choice. From NASA to, on various channels or social media platforms, celestial events are viewed, shared, commented. Not bad for what seems to be an age of individualism, isn’t it?

In between such rare events as eclipses, it is useful to keep track of the lunar cycle and its distinct phases.

Think of it as a Moon Clock, keeping in mind that in an extravagant paradox, it takes a New Moon to block the Sun.




Thinking and writing about timepieces, physical and virtual, as attempts at capturing the ineffable nature of time. The rest on